The Harley Chronicles: A Paws for Concern
Welcome to a special blog post from a very unique point of view. Straight from the paws of Digital 55’s Chief Barketing Officer, Harley! As CBO of our agency, I’m here to share some insights from my life, my work at Digital 55, and the lessons I’ve learned along the way. This blog isn’t just about marketing; it’s about life through the eyes of a dog, a few unexpected adventures, and the importance of safety. So grab a treat and join me as I take you on a journey that starts with a leap of faith and ends with a powerful lesson we can all learn from.
The Chief Barketing Officer’s Daily Duties
My job as Chief Barketing Officer consists of greeting visitors to Digital 55, helping HR bring a smile to my coworkers’ faces and decreasing stress, warning off would-be criminals such as the deer and cats that venture onto our premises, and general supervision activities. While it is recommended that I wear a helmet or a seat tether, I am only required to wear a standard canine harness. So, that is what I do. Between you and me, I secretly keep my super-pup cape in my pocket protector.
Your occupation may not contain hazards that require extra precaution; however, chances are that some aspects of your personal life may encompass a risk of peril. Like you, I have times where I feel that I am invincible. Life must wake me up to the reality that life is precious.
In my personal life I can be a little bit fearless. No one understands my need to be FREE! This leads me to a very unusual event in my life that occurred recently.
The Wild Turkey Incident: A Leap of Faith (and Gravity)
I frequently enjoy the amazing Ohio weather from a second story balcony. On November 24, 2024, the week of Thanksgiving, it was a beautiful Autumn day (you will soon see why I don’t like to call it “Fall”) and many other species were venturing out. Everyone was having a grand old time.
Now, although I am usually pretty compliant in most aspects of my life, I have been known to go a bit berserk without warning. This particular day I saw a wild turkey. I LOVE wild turkey…and farm raised turkey…and turkey with gravy…and turkey sandwiches. Before I knew what was happening, I was caught up in a daydream that seemed so real! I had my super-pup cape on and, thinking quickly, moved a chair close to the rail of the balcony. In no time at all, I jumped up on the chair and, turkey in sight, I leaped off the balcony in the vicinity of my next wonderful meal. I was flying! At least it felt like it. My floppy ears were going crazy! I was in the air so long I felt like a bird.
Then it happened. The sudden stop as gravity took over caused a catastrophic collision with the grass and mud below that was, literally, stunning.
For a moment, I did not know where I was or what was going on. The turkey was gone, and all was quiet. Confused, I headed around the house toward the front door. I sat on the sidewalk and contemplated all that happened. I was unaware that my missing presence on the balcony had not gone unnoticed. My name was frantically called. Being the naturally chill pup that I am, I merely glanced over my shoulder to see what the fuss was all about.
I was in for a good scolding. As I took the walk of shame up to the front door, it was only then that I realized that there had been a significant impact from my flying escapade and not only was my human scolding me but my body was scolding me as well.
A Second Chance and A Lesson in Safety
This leads me to the purpose of this blog. Safety must come first. Safety harnesses and other safety equipment are not fun to wear but can save a lot of pain later. Needless to say, there was an investigation into what had transpired, and I have lost all privileges of balcony freedom. I know it could have been disastrous. I would like to say that I learned my lesson, but I don’t know if that is true. I always hear that if something happens you have to get right back on the horse. Right now, my body will not allow me to do that.
My veterinarian said that nothing is torn nor broken, and I will be fine in about a week. When I am feeling back to normal, will I try a second chance if my turkey friend returns? No one knows. So, I have been told that I cannot return to the beloved balcony for a while and, when I do return, I must be supervised or wear a tether. No one wants a rerun to occur.
I hope that my story will inspire people everywhere. I will persevere and overcome these tough times.
Inspiration from a Super-pup and a Surfer
With my unwavering determination and incredible canine spirit, I feel like I can beat the odds. I will try to be wise and heed the additional requirements to be an example to all. I will watch the other free animals roam about from my safe, tethered, confined space on the balcony. They say setbacks can be a good thing. It makes me realize what could have been and how fortunate I am to have humans around me who care about me. Afterall, my 100-mph impact with the ground from a 15-foot drop, although feels like a life-changing event, is nowhere near what others have endured.
Bethany Hamilton is a professional surfer who had a life-changing experience. She lost her left arm in a shark attack. Her determination led to overcoming many obstacles.
Let Bethany and me encourage you to keep your head up and keep growing. There is no safety equipment that could have prevented Bethany’s injury, however, in my case, it would have made a huge difference.
Safety equipment can be a good thing. Do it for yourself and do it for your family who love and care about you.
“I don’t need easy. I just need possible.” – Bethany Hamilton

Whether you’re ready to start a project or just have a question, Harley and the team are here to help you with all your digital marketing needs.
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