A Perspective on Purchased Lists vs. Social Media Ads

Lead Generation is the process of initiating and capturing interest in a product or service for the purpose of sales generation. We all know that leads can be created in a multitude of ways, but this post will focus on targeted advertising to purchased email lists versus social media marketing.

Lead Generation through email marketing can begin by purchasing a list of emails. While there are many risks associated with this style of marketing, it does have some benefits. If you have not cultivated an organic email list that includes your current customers and/or supporters, buying a list is a place to start. 

When buying a list, if you know your target audience, you can source your email list based on gender, age, occupation, income, and a variety of other preferences to get your message in front of the right people. This narrow focus will hopefully result in Lead Generation and increased sales.

The cost of a purchased list will vary by vendor, which may or may not reflect quality and/or quantity. Generally, the more emails you buy, the lower the price each email may be. Some vendors have a “minimum purchase” cost associated with a list. This means no matter how many emails you purchase, you have to spend at least a specified amount. This could cause the price per email to vary between $0.25/email to $2.00/email. Social media ad marketing is another tool used to engage in Lead Generation.

When utilizing social media ads, you choose how much money you want to spend and specify your target audience. The per lead price or cost per click price cannot be determined until your campaign has completed. When using social media ad marketing you have the opportunity to reach a larger audience and possible customers that you may have not been able to reach before. Social media marketing gives room for immense creativity and imagination in order to take hold of the attention of your audience, despite the unknown return on investment. If you purchased a list at a cost of $0.40/email and did a social media campaign with a return of $0.65/click… Which one was the better investment? It depends on the level of engagement. Did people from the purchased list click on the links in the email? 

Were users engaged enough from the social media ad to click on it? Did they purchase something once they arrived at your landing page? A true test of the effectiveness of any social media ad or email has everything to do with converting the people who you are targeting into customers.

Any ad’s quality can be determined by many factors. Your message is money. You want your message to be engaging, well thought out, and hard to ignore. When your audience comes across your social media ad you want them to not be able to mindlessly scroll past, but to immediately stop and engage. Your content is cash. You want your content to be creative, eye catching, and worth a thousand words. To get customers to stop scrolling for your content, your message needs to have an engaging visual aspect. When combining that with good copy, the ability to engage and reach your target audience is endless with social media advertising.

We can help you through your questions and guide you towards making the right marketing decisions. No matter what the method, getting your brand in front of customers is key. With endless possibilities and campaign ideas, Digital 55 has the right plan of action for you. Let us show you today.

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